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Humanistic Understanding of Kimchi and Kimjang Culture 의 표지입니다.
Humanistic Understanding of Kimchi and Kimjang Culture의 제목,저자, 발행일, ISBN, 링크, 조회수, 자료소개 / 비고, 목차로 구성되어 있는 표입니다.
Humanistic Understanding of Kimchi and Kimjang Culture
저자 Lim, Jaehae; Hwang, Gyeongsoon; Park, al
발행일 2015.09.
ISBN 979-11-954378-4-9
조회수 2851
자료소개 / 비고
Humanistic Understanding of Kimchi and Kimjang Culture
Kimchiology Series No.2
Humanistic Understanding of Kimchi and Kimjang Culture

1. Acknowledgement of Kimchi’s value to humanity and the globalization of Kimchi - Lim, Jaehae
2. Challenges and the prospect for the sustainable protection of the “Kimjang culture”, a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity -Hwang, Gyeongsoon
3. Review on Uniqueness of the Origin of Kimchi Based on the Process of Development - Park, Chaelin
4. The Issue of Vegetable Classification and the Development of various types of kimchi - Kim, Ilgwon
5. Korean Food Culture and the Making of Winter Kimchi, Kimjang - Kang, Jeongwon
6. Development of Kimchi and Income Growth - Yoon, Dukno
7. The role of fermented products in Mediterranean food culture - Massimo Montanari
8. Comparison of Uniqueness of Kimchi and Other Fermented Foods Representing the East and the West - Ishige Naomichi
9. Kimchi’s Global Journey from Saigon to London - Katarzyna J Cwiertka
10. The Future and Communication of Kimjang in the IT era: Based on the Encyclopedia of the Korean Head Families’ fermented foods - Sohn, Younghee
11. Gimjang, Families, and Inheritance - Hahm, Hanhee

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