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Kimchi industry promotion A hub of global Kimchi culture and the science of fermentation. World lnstitute of Kimchi

Kimchi industry promotion

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Enterprise support platform

Thank you for visiting the World Institute of Kimchi's Corporate Support Platform. The World Institute of Kimchi is launching a business support platform service as an integrated window for supporting the kimchi industry, including kimchi manufacturers. The business support platform is a dedicated communication and cooperation window for kimchi companies, and provides comprehensive technical support services such as test analysis, technology consulting, technology transfer, technology training, and research equipment utilization to support growth as a global small giant.
상세내용 하단참조

A cooperative partner who shares the future of the company World Institute of Kimchi

  • enterprise
  • solution
  • wikim partnership
  • needs
  • Test analysis
  • Technology consulting
  • Export support
  • Family business support
  • Technical education
  • Technology transfer and commer cialization
  • Joint use of research equipment