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About WiKim A hub of global Kimchi culture and the science of fermentation. World lnstitute of Kimchi

About WiKim

글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Role and Responsibility (R&R)

Mission Statement
To establish the position of Korea as a leading country in the production of Kimchi, we will lead the national Kimchi industry through the development of core technologies and enhance the scientific and cultural excellence of Kimchi.
  • Upper Role 1. (Source) Scientification of Kimchi Fermentation
    1. 1-1 Development of Kimchi Fermentation Control Technology
    2. 1-2 Scientific Verification of Kimchi's Functional Excellence
  • Upper Role 2 (Industry) Advancement of the Kimchi Industry
    1. 2-1 Development of Kimchi Industry Price Competitiveness Technology
    2. 2-2 Development of Pre-Processing Kimchi Quality Management Technology
  • Upper Role 3. (Public interest) Transformation of kimchi value into resources
    1. 3-1 Enhancement and Utilization of Kimchi Research Resources
    2. 3-2 Maximization of Value and Globalization of Kimchi Cultural Resources
Core Competencies
  1. 01
    Development of Kimchi Quality Improvement Yeast and Industrial Kimchi Yeast Supply System
  2. 02
    Discovery and Evaluation System of Kimchi Functional Factors
  3. 03
    Kimchi Quality and Fairness Optimization Platform
  4. 04
    Establishment and Utilization of Kimchi Research Resource and Information Infrastructure
  5. 05
    Establishment and Operation of Kimchi Cultural Content Expansion System Based on Kimchi Scientific, Historical, and Cultural Research
Role Performance Strategies
  • R&D System Innovation
    1. Establishment of an R&D planning and implementation system centered on institutional missions
    2. Establishment and implementation of an R&R customized project selection and review system
    3. Activation of an open collaboration system
  • System-centric Management Efficiency
    1. Innovation in Talent Development and Utilization Systems
    2. Establishment and activation of immersive environment creation system based on sensory experience
    3. Expansion of organizational culture for enhancing WiKim's pride.
  • The Utilization and Dissemination of Research Outcomes
    1. Building and Strengthening the Foundation for IP Utilization and Dissemination
    2. Enhancing Demand-Oriented Enterprise Support through the Innovation of the Enterprise Support System
    3. Spreading Kimchi Cultural Content Based on Research Outcomes and Strengthening the Global Network